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To obtain the data Statistics of Paser Regency please come to the integrated statistical service Statistics of Paser Regency Jl. Gajah Mada No. 76 Tana Paser at work day 08.00 pm until 15.30 pm. || succeed the 2016 economic census by providing the right information.
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Socialization Interdepartmental 2016 Economic Census
December 7, 2015 | Other Activities
2016 the central statistics agency will conduct economic census. The census will take place during the whole month rather than May 1 to May 31, 2016. Various preparations are made in order to succeed economic census, one of whice is to disseminate. This socialization must be done by all statistics office in Indonesia, including statistics of Paser Regancy.
OnDecember 7, 2015,Statistics ofPaserRegencyhas conductedsocializationEconomic Census2016Meeting RoomSadurengasPaserRegent's office.Thissocializationtakes the theme"Economic Census2016a successby providinginformationfor business developmentandcompetitiveness of the nation".The purpose ofthis socializationistoprovidetechnicalinformationto local governments,andbusinessesSKPDinPaserso as tojointlysucceed the2016Economic Census.
socialization was opened by expert staff regent field of Social and
Human Resources, Mr. Bahruddin, S.Pi M.Si representing Mr. Pj. Paser regents were unable to attend. The opening started with a speech from Mr. Pj. Paser regents read by Mr. Bahruddin, S.Pi M.Sc. In his speech Mr. Pj. Paser regent invite all parties to be able to succeed the 2016 Economic Census.
2016 Economic Census socialization invited three speakers, namely the
Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics Paser, the Head of the
Department of Trade, Cooperatives and SMEs Paser and Chairman Apindo
Paser. The socialization event was attended by 32 participants representing districts, SKPD and businesses.