Finalization of Sectoral Data and Evaluation of KDA and GRDP Data Collection 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Paser Regency

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Finalization of Sectoral Data and Evaluation of KDA and GRDP Data Collection 2021

Finalization of Sectoral Data and Evaluation of KDA and GRDP Data Collection 2021

August 16, 2022 | Other Activities

This meeting activity is one of a series of sectoral data collection carried out by the Statistics and Encoding Information and Communications Office (DKISP) which is led directly by the Head of the DKISP Agency, Mrs. Ina Rosana, where the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) is invited as a resource person in delivering the results of the GRDP calculation and Evaluation of Sectoral Data collection. This activity was opened directly by the regional secretary (Secretary) Mr. Katsul Wijaya and attended by representatives of SKPD, BUMD and institutions in Paser Regency.
On this occasion, BPS was given the opportunity to present the results of the GRDP calculation and the Finalization of Sectoral Data, where the enthusiasm of the meeting participants was more focused on the results of the GRDP calculation because this GRDP is a direct product of BPS.
This activity aims to confirm from the results of sectoral data that has been collected and compiled whether it is in accordance with the data held by SKPD, BUMD, or Institutions.
Participants in the meeting for finalizing sectoral data, evaluating KDA and GRDP are all Data Producers who provide Sectoral Data
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